Perutz Primera 200

Hello again Perutz Primera! Here we have selected results from probably 5 or 6 different rolls, all shot during Summer 2018 mostly in Siracusa.

There’s something from Francesco and Chiara’s family trip (the handsome guy is Francesco) and during the grape harvest at Pupillo’s vineyards. Something also shot at night with a terrible (but very vintage) “flash and grain and totally wrong tones” effect and also something from a “cheap plastic swimming pool birthday party” at Andrea’s place. The roman age things they are from another trip in late spring with Francesco and Chiara at the Ostia Antica archaeological park, before leaving Rome. There’s also an accidental double-exposure that for some reason has a super-strong magenta cast, I tried to lessen it in the scan.

I used a combination of different cameras here, the Yashica FR1 in Ostia and the Canon Sureshot Supreme in Siracusa – if I remember well – so everything should have been captured through (two different) 35mm f/2.8 lenses. Oh, and, I’m sorry, 75 pictures to scroll through.

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