Tag Archives: expired

Perutz Primera 200

Ladies and gentlemen, The Last Perutz On This Blog! And this is quite a significant roll because it was shot between the last “normal” days in Rome, in February 2020, and the first days in full Sicilian lockdown because of the pandemic. What’s clearly missing – because I wasn’t really thinking about documenting what was going on – is the fast relocation in Siracusa, following the announcement that schools were closing for weeks. The single best decision ever taken in my life. I have a lot to regret for many things I did wrong but that move was instinctively right, […]

Kodak Gold 200

Finally a good old Kodak Gold 200 on this blog! You can find plenty of them in the old blog, actually. Being one of the most easy to find film in brick-and-mortar stores, it’s inevitable to use it sometimes. Unfortunately this is just a sample of the 37 shots I was able to capture with my adorable Canon compact: they are mostly shots of my daughters and my friends on the beach (or in a swimming pool), so very undressed, so I don’t want to publish them. But how NOT lo love a Kodak Gold 200, even from just 4 […]

Perutz Primera 200

Oh well, another Perutz expired film shot in Siracusa, what a novelty! I was actually and seriously looking forward to see these pictures because there’s a good shot of my first daughter and a couple of nice pictures with Piero playing the piano. And now that it’s winter it’s also nice to see some warm Sicilian color on screen.

Perutz Primera 200

A good vibe on film it’s pure magic when you have it in front of your eyes. On this roll there are a couple of shots with some magic. The others are not bad but the poor Sure Shot Supreme – contrary to what its name boldly suggests – had quite an hard time trying to focus, in fact it missed focus a lot, so I discarded many pictures. And I have to say that the only good shots are the ones when there’s still some light from the sunset, and the flash was off. With sun down, and flash […]

Perutz Primera 200

Pictures from Siracusa, last spring, nothing special except a couple of shots I’m really in love with. And other pictures from Rome, but in this case I’m in love with the subjects (my daughters). Technically speaking, there’s a problem with the scanner, a sort of vertical striping that occurs with blue even surfaces (like the sky and/or the sea). And I hate this mostly because it happened with the only picture I really like, that’s arguably the one I chose as the highlight of this set. But I have to add that I don’t really care about the scans, they […]

Perutz Primera 200

This is one of those rolls that begins in a place and ends in a totally different place, with another place in between the two. It’s a tripping roll! Well, you can read the dates if you want to know but they’re printed the English way – because the poorly placed button on the back of my camera keeps pressing itself accidentally switching between options. This film roll begins at home in Rome, goes through a working week in Sicily and ends with a groom at the barber on his wedding day (I was one of the two photographers for […]

Ilford HP4 (1976)

This is aptly tagged “extreme lomography” and it’s not exaggerated. A couple of months ago I found 3 Ilford HP4 expired in 1976 inside an old plastic drawer cabinet, together with other less useful photography related things, in a church my family is currently using as a lumber room (no question, please). My father used to be a hobbyist shooter when he was in his 20’s – I would say mostly thanks to my grandpa’s money then to his own talent, but that’s a story for another blog. I decided to test one of these old boys in the Ricoh […]

Perutz Primera 200

A day at the zoo with my glorious grandpa’s autofocus Olympus and a Perutz 200 inside. Not much to write home about but ok. The white tiger is cool. The shot with the penguin is my favourite. Zoos are kinda sad, anyway.    

Perutz Primera 200

There’s something I’m slowly realizing: that it’s possible to come back home after a short vacation, see the pictures (slides and negatives in this case) and not needing the digital “coverage”. I have hundreds of digital raw files still to edit, mainly shot by my daughter, and there’s also something nice there. But I’m not feeling the pressure to look at those files, to edit and publish them. It’s like I’m already satisfied, I don’t need “more”. I need to shoot better pictures indeed, but it’s not a matter of quantity.

Fujifilm Fujichrome 64T Type II Professional

Here we go again with expired slides, this time with no terrible defects except a strong magenta cast that had to be corrected after scanning. I mean, nobody is forcing me to correct anything, it’s just that I find my pictures more pleasing this way. Nonetheless, colors are completely fucked up. As always, there’s some reason why I like so much this analogically unpredictable color shifting. But it’s true that every “glitch” is boring when you over-use it so… I’m almost happy not to have other expired slides to shoot in the near future. Maybe I’ll try some fresh slide […]

Kodak Ektachrome 320T

This is nice. I had this roll of expired (since who-knows-when) Ektachrome 320T in my Yashica FR last summer. Then in autumn I had to leave the Yashica in Rome while going back and forth from Sicily, only to rediscover the poor abandoned camera this winter. So, not only the film was expired long ago, but it also stayed non-developed in a camera for months, at variable room temperature, then developed by a lab without any special care or precautions taken. It’s a miracle there’s something “readable” in the slides and, in fact, I had to use a new invented-by-me […]