Here we go, the first roll on this blog that’s been entirely NOT shot by me. Yes, the 12 years old daughter decided to use something like half-an-hour to totally waste a precious Rollei Retro 400 S just goin around our “quarantine in the country” house, in a not-so-sunny morning, framing just plants and buildings in black and white. Isn’t she crazy? The funny thing is: i would never ever do that, she did, and some result is very interesting and unexpected. It’s not the “totally wasted roll” I was presuming before scanning the negative. There’s something, I think.
Tag Archives: shooter
My “Rome” rolls are almost quite predictable regarding subjects and locations. But for this beautiful Rollei Retro 400 S I did my best trying to be not-too-much predictable. And not everything has been shot in Rome, to be honest. So, what we have here: a moody and almost unintelligible picture of my daughters on a ice-skating rink; people playing traditional afro or south-american music (I don’t remember well) and dancing inside Forte Prenestino (google it, it’s a beautiful place); my daughter Daria with a unicorn hairband; a brilliant painting on a Potenza city wall. On a technical side-note: this film […]
Ok, it seems I still have unpublished scans from an expired Fujifilm Neopan 400 I shot in June 2019 for a wedding and… as it always happens with films, there’s some unrelated picture because the roll was already in the camera when I did the shooting. I love when I find a random/family picture I forgot to have because it was at the beginning (or at the end) of a “serious” roll. First picture above and below is my lovely friend Francesco in his best shadowy pose, in my kitchen in Rome, and with a guitar.
This could be my last Neopan 400, unless Fuji is planning an unlikely comeback in the future. Maybe I shot it with a bit of melancholy, I don’t know, but it seems like these pictures are more sad than usual for some reason. Half roll was used during a wedding in June and the other half is here, split (in half again) between the bicycle lane and the marina in Siracusa city. There’s even some picture I really appreciate, like the nun in white hiding her face with a big hat, or “fuck the police” written on the bicycle lane […]
Here we go again with expired slides, this time with no terrible defects except a strong magenta cast that had to be corrected after scanning. I mean, nobody is forcing me to correct anything, it’s just that I find my pictures more pleasing this way. Nonetheless, colors are completely fucked up. As always, there’s some reason why I like so much this analogically unpredictable color shifting. But it’s true that every “glitch” is boring when you over-use it so… I’m almost happy not to have other expired slides to shoot in the near future. Maybe I’ll try some fresh slide […]
This is nice. I had this roll of expired (since who-knows-when) Ektachrome 320T in my Yashica FR last summer. Then in autumn I had to leave the Yashica in Rome while going back and forth from Sicily, only to rediscover the poor abandoned camera this winter. So, not only the film was expired long ago, but it also stayed non-developed in a camera for months, at variable room temperature, then developed by a lab without any special care or precautions taken. It’s a miracle there’s something “readable” in the slides and, in fact, I had to use a new invented-by-me […]
Ok, this time I swear I did it right, I followed the instructions! The Ferrania P30 is a very delicate beast and although I really followed the “cooking recipe” by Ferrania, the results are again too contrasty and apparently underexposed. But I didn’t actually underxpose a single frame on this roll. On the contrary, I overexposed everything by lowering the iso setting to 50 (instead of 80) and giving another +1 of exposure just in case. So, why this mess, you may ask? Well, it seems I did something wrong anyway, and that is shooting with the sun behind my […]
Neopan 400 will be missed (and it’s already missing) a lot but I will eventually find a way to replace it in my heart. This roll that you see here has been developed in Rodinal “stand” (the lowest concentration of just 1ml every 99ml of water) for 1 hour to compensate for the (in)famous Rodinal super-grainy special effect and it’s in fact not that grainy. Shot in Rome (Aniene, Villa Ada, CSA La Torre and Villa Leopardi) with a Canon one-button 35mm fixed-lens compact.